

The Organizational Chart  is similar to that of the lower degrees, but with different titles. At the Supreme level, the top man is the Supreme Master. Administratively, the Fourth Degree is divided into areas called Provinces. A Vice Supreme Master is appointed by the Supreme Board of Directors for each of the Fourth Degree Provinces in the Order.  At the present time there are 20 Provinces in the Order, with 14 being in the United States, 4 in Canada, 1 in Mexico and 1 in the Philippine Islands. The state of Pennsylvania is within the Calvert Province, which is comprised of the states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia and the District of Columbia.

The Calvert Province is one of the original 6 provinces established by the Knights of Columbus.  It originally included New York and New Jersey. The province was named for the Calvert Family (Lord Baltimore) that became the state of Maryland. There have been 13 Vice Supreme Masters of the Calvert Province.

The Vice Supreme Master is the head of all Fourth Degree matters within the Province and exercises general supervision over all Masters and Assemblies located in the Province. The Vice Supreme Master is responsible to the Supreme Master and the Supreme Board of Directors. The Vice Supreme Master is distinguishable at Fourth Degree functions and turnouts by the light blue Cape and Chapeau which he wears.

Each Province is divided into Districts.  Districts are placed under the leadership of a Master. The Master is identified by the gold Cape and Chapeau, and is often accompanied by a District Marshall who wears a green Cape and Chapeau.  The Calvert Province is comprised of seven Districts.

Districts are made up of Assemblies similar to Councils in structure and operation.  The PA Central District is comprised of Assemblies residing with the Dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown, Harrisburg and Scranton.  There are 30 Assemblies in the PA Central District.  The Saint Martin Assembly currently covers CumberlandJuniata, Mifflin and Perry counties.

The Presiding Officer of the Assembly is called a Faithful Navigator, who wears a white Cape and Chapeau. He is assisted by a Captain and a Pilot, which are similar to the offices of Deputy Grand Knight and Warden on a council level. The fourth Chair Officer is the Admiral, usually the immediate Past Faithful Navigator. At a Council level Officers are referred to as Worthy, while at the Assembly level Officers are referred to as Faithful.

The other officers are similar to Council officers and include: The Friar, The Purser, The Scribe, The Comptroller, The Sentinels (Two in number), and The Trustees (Three in number).


Fourth Degree Emblem

The triad emblem of the Fourth Degree features the Dove, the Cross, and the Globe.

The Dove - classic symbol of the Holy Spirit and Peace - is shown hovering over the orb of the earth (Globe). Both are mounted on a variation of the Crusader's Cross - that which was found on the tunics and capes of the Crusading Knights.

Our Honored Order cherishes as its patron Christopher Columbus.

Christopher - Christ Bearer
Columbus - Dove of Peace, symbolizing the Paraclete.

Spiritually, the sacred symbols on the emblem typify the Union of the Three Divine Persons in one Godhead the most Blessed Trinity.

The Globe - God the Father, Creator of the Universe
The Cross - God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind
The Dove - God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of Humanity

The colors of the symbols are:

A blue Globe with the lands of the Western Hemisphere in white.

A red Cross with gold borders, and gold knobs at the end of the points forming the ends of the arms of the Cross (also known as the Isabella Cross).

A white dove.

Red, white and blue are the colors of the flag of the country in which our Order originated; and are used to stress the basic principle of the Fourth Degree . . . PATRIOTISM.

Site Created: 05/22/2004 | Site designed, hosted & maintained by: Carolyn Dymond